choose Cloud Hosting over Traditional Hosting

Why choose Cloud Hosting over Traditional Hosting?

Cloud hosting is now becoming a new business computing frontier that delivers applications and software effectively. It has nearly surpassed the traditional in-house system due to its numerous pros and has emerged with the most efficient, scalable, and trusted IT solutions.

All businesses want a reliable and secure storage room, where not only the entire data be easily accessible along with applications, but also reduce its cost. If you are thinking about moving your data from traditional hosting to cloud-based hosting, then it is vital to learn the benefits of cloud hosting.

cloud hosting


What is Cloud Hosting?


Cloud hosting is internet-based computing. Data here is not placed on a single physical device or server. Cloud hosting service providers deliver a virtual space according to the company’s requirements.

Unlike traditional hosting, where you had to spend a fixed charge on a single server for a specified amount of space, here you only have to spend for space according to your needs.

All the programs and information arranged on these servers are integrated very easily, and if any of the servers gets down, the data will stay secure and there are no loss or downtimes. Cloud hosting is considerably more versatile and more robust. Difficulties arising with one website or application will not affect the performance as a whole.

What is Traditional Hosting?

Traditional hosting consists of two types of hosting i.e. shared and dedicated hosting. Shared hosting is used primarily by small and medium-sized enterprises. Here, on a single server, clients have to give a set sum of space, and the server is shared with some other websites.

To host a website, this is cost-effective and requires minimal maintenance. Here the hosting company is solely responsible for the application maintenance, managing, and upgrading.

However, the firm pays for the entire resources of one or more servers in dedicated hosting. The key difference among shared hosting and dedicated hosting is that a client needs to fix an amount of RAM, CPU, drive space, etc. for both himself and the client gets complete control over the resources of the server.

benefits of cloud hosting

Benefits of Cloud Hosting Over Traditional Hosting

The advantages that cloud hosting has to give surpass the benefits Traditional Hosting had to offer. Here’s a list of benefits cloud hosting has to deliver. 


Maximum uptime of the network


The output of your website is often the responsibility of the server or network uptime.  Cloud hosting enables maximum uptime of the server and offers device failure complete guaranteed proof. Because of interconnected servers, if your server is unable to perform another server from multiple servers, this will take over the failed server’s workload.

On the other hand, there is a high probability of server failure or downtime because only one server takes a maximum risk with lots of applications and websites linked to a hardware failure. Whenever the server load rises it gets collapsed and it takes time to catch up to normal.


Security Measures


Because of a single server, the resources need to be shared with other websites in traditional hosting. You can have complete control over the server if you go with a dedicated server, but it costs you a great deal of money.

With Cloud hosting, you don’t have to stress much about security, as it comes with enhanced security checks at each point. In addition to the server’s physical protection, you also get data, documents, and application security.

Your data is secured with Cloud through proper data isolation, management of customer identity, storage, firewalls, backup recovery, and encrypted solutions.

Accessible Globally

Traditional hosting has this major concern that hosting servers are locked here in a fixed position. Then you have to look at a specific location for a server that plays a crucial role in the loading speed of the website but here is no requirement of physical location.

A physical location with the cloud is not required as hosting servers are available all over the globe. You can also access it over the internet from your PC or tablet.

Recovery & Backup

Because there is only one server in traditional hosting, it does not provide any backup and recovery from a disaster. You need to plan your data backup and restoration on your own.

But Cloud Hosting offers many interconnected servers that provide you with an auto-backup feature to recover your missing data.


You don’t need to concern about expenditure on cloud hosting because there’s no need to spend on any type of infrastructure. You just have to invest in the services you want to make use of.

Although you have to pay a set amount of charges for the facilities of traditional hosting, whether you are using those or not.



With Traditional hosting, you can only use the resources that are at your disposal. The moment you run out of space, there’s only the alternate is to buy a new server. Anytime you raise the number of workers, you need to pay extra for additional software and process the business hardware manually, too.

Compared to traditional hosting the cloud servers are more flexible and scalable. You have the option of getting unlimited storage space and more resources according to your needs. You get full control over server management to ensure your business grows more flexibly.


That is the most significant distinction between the two. Cloud hosting is completely managed by the service provider who is liable for all the required security and hardware related issues.

Although traditional hosting on the other hand needs in-house supervision which may be more expensive and time-consuming. Mainly you need a completely qualified IT specialist for server maintenance and further upgradation.

Cloud hosting


Having gone through the above-listed benefits of cloud hosting over traditional hosting, you must have now easily understood which choice is better for your organization. Cloud hosting not only reduces your expenses but also offers your organization with security and flexibility.

Shift to the cloud if you are still relying on the traditional form of hosting. For any Tally on cloud-related query visit

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A complete guide on What is Cloud Hosting and How it Works?
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